HR Services

ODU Human Resources department provides a number of services to support the Monarch community. If you have questions, please contact the appropriate team for assistance, or you can reach our front desk during business hours at 757-683-3042. Click here to access HR forms.

Departmental Motivation & Strategy

Direct Hire of Part-Time Employees

Employment Verification

Employee Policies & Procedures

I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification

Leaving or Changing Jobs at the University

Onboarding New Employees

Telework & Alternative Work Schedules

Training & Professional Development

Worker's Compensation (Illness & Injury)

Other (non-HR)

The following are common issues employees may require help with, serviced by other University departments:

PAPERS is a system used for Position Actions, Position Descriptions, Performance Evaluations, and Recruitments.

LeoOnline contains your official record, including personal information, grades, transcripts, employee payroll information and more.

MyODU is a personal gateway that pulls together the top ODU online resources, providing easy and centralized access to official info & services.